Prototyping CIFv4 - Engineering a Realtime Intelligence Platform

Prototyping CIFv4 - Engineering a Realtime Intelligence Platform

The main focus of the last ~60 hours has been APIs, feeds and real-time streaming. This includes the HTTP REST API the realtime ZeroMQ streaming API and to some extent, WebHooks…

If you're looking to build and deploy your own #ThreatIntel platform, these are the things you should be thinking about.. It should take months, not years.. and you should learn from our mistakes, not just your own.

Prototyping CIFv4: Part 1.

Prototyping CIFv4: Part 1.

I've spent about a year thinking about v4 and about 12 hours writing it (most of which has been re-factoring older code and wondering how drunk I was when I wrote it). If you look at the repo today, most of it looks and feeds like v3 but with most of the complexity removed (eg: lots of refactoring for performance and readability). Last night, I was able to get "pings" flowing back and forth between the client and the storage thread, which is good sign...