Hunting alone does NOT protect the network

Hunting alone does NOT protect the network

Just about every single "TIPS" platform I come across solves one problem; getting users into their ecosystem where they can hunt for things in the past. These platforms are designed to FIND breaches, thwarting them seems to be an afterthought, if at-all. I can bring vulnerability data and passive dns data into my view to see that i've been owned, if I figured that out- why can't that logic just go into my network and keep me from getting owned in the first place?

Only small business can protect the Internet

Only small business can protect the Internet

I am a trader.

Not in the Wolf of Wall-Street sense (hookers and blow really aren't my thing), but in the “I make about 3,000 trades a year against my house and my family’s future” kind of sense. I’m part of a growing segment of the population that sees things in the world- then immediately checks the volatility futures to see whether “the community” is freaking out over something that most of the world truly cares about (eg: are people selling this news?).....